Psychologist vs. Therapist

A psychologist is an individual that received graduate level training (usually attaining a PhD or PsyD). In addition, a psychologist focuses on behavioral therapies, clinical studies, and mental well-being. While a psychologist can be titled a “therapist” the two terms are not interchangeable. There are “therapists” that practice counseling that have not received the same level of training and designation of a psychologist. Dr. Jane Velez earned her Master’s Degree at Bradley University in Peoria, and received her PhD in Clinical Psychology in Chicago. She is a Illinois and Board Certified Forensic Psychologist. This type of training is very specific, and requires a person to understand both research and therapy methods. When you are deciding to see a therapist, make sure that you examine their certifications and educational background. This certification can easily be found behind an individual’s name. Look for “PhD” or “PsyD.” This is the official designation that the individual has undergone the rigorous training and course needed to be a qualified psychologist. Psychologists undergo specific training and coursework to ensure they are qualified. This training can make all the difference allowing a psychologist to identify certain clues to larger issues that a therapist might miss.